Friday, March 09, 2007

john galliano fall 07

Check out the runway show from

"PARIS, March 3, 2007 – ...his own decadently staged collection returned to the romantic, excessive, eccentric hothouse scenes people so adored him for in the early nineties, complete with "vintage" Galliano bias-cut dresses... (we were) greeted with a cast of made-up Parisian street characters, overflowing dinner tables, potted palms, dogs, chicken coops, Turkish rugs, bordello couches, and an unmade brass bed—were instantly put in party mood. We were in Pigalle during the tens and twenties—the world of Kiki de Montparnasse and Brassai's Madame Bijou...The theme sent him off on an orgy of costume reference (and self-reference) that brought out deep-red Poiret-era coats whorled into asymmetric rose ruffles, gigantic leg-of-mutton-sleeved jackets, high-waisted redingotes, flower-printed tea dresses, and a multiplicity of his signature bias-cut gowns, in everything from black velvet and sheer lace to face-powder pink and dusty-tangerine chiffon.

The roll of credits included Stephen Jones' millinery, Pat McGrath's makeup, Julien d'Ys hair, and Michael Howells' set design. All played crucial supporting roles in bringing Galliano gloriously back to full cinematic form...
"– Sarah Mower

It's over the top. The details are endless. The make up is half the show. And it's everything I expect and desire from John Galliano. He never fails to surprise, enchant, and impress me. One could spend hours if not days delving into the construction and conception of this and any Galliano collection.